Monday, April 19, 2010

Chapter 2-Tanty's Story

April 20th 2010 ,8:41 am ,Living Room.

It's Morning.. yeah. Just woke up and borrowing my brother's laptop for post this blog.

Today was the third day since i made this blog, and i got many compliments,critics, and advises from my friends about this blog. well, it's
such an honour for me and i thanked them for it.

This story came from my friends, Tanty. i still remember how she came to me in class and told this story with a huge smile. She said to me that when she was on her way go back to home with her friends, Vera. She met two boys with their school uniforms in "Angkot" .

Like ussual Tanty and Vera had a chitchat during that trip, but suddenly they heard a sound. Well, it's look like not only both of them heard the sound but all of the "Angkot's" passengers heard that. A number of people kinda looks confused when they heard the sounds because it's alarm sound, and old alarm sound.

Suddenly, one of the school boys open his bag and try to grab something from his bag. VOILA'! Believe it or not? but he just took and alarm clock (a real alarm clock with two bells on it, FOR REAL).

well, it's 2010 when it's kinda rare seeing that type of alarm clock (As far as i know, the last time i saw that type of alarm clock only at TV, and it's on old Disney's cartoon). And of course the other passengers were in shock, including Tanty, Vera, and The boy's friend. Let's focus on the boy's friend because his face just getting red. hahaha..

The other boy ask the Alarm boy, " Hey, why you bring that alarm clock??". "Well, i'm such a forgetful person especially when i'm in "Warnet" (Warung Internet, it's like a cafe when we can rent a PC for using internet. There are a lot of "warnet" especially in Jakarta, it co
sts about 3000 rupiahs for each hour, maybe it's around 35 cents in US$)", said the Alarm boy

well, since they talk loudly how come all the passenger who already curious about the alarm not hear them? , espcecially Tanty and Vera. haha..

"Okay, and why that alarm??", the other boys still curious.
"Well, let's see this alarm only sounds when 12 am and 6 pm, 12 am means i must get home for lunch and 6 am means i must get home for do "Shalat" ("Shalat" means praying, Moslem people did that)" ,said the alarm boy.

and at that point, a lot of passengers can hold their laugh except the other boys who already made his face looks like an apple. HAHAHA...

yeah, how come
we can't laugh about that...but, there is an interesting thing about the alarm boy. Sometimes we're too scared to do something that people maybe tought "it's a joke!" even it can hel us. But this alarm boy was different, he dare to be different and it's for his own good sake.

maybe for this case only an alarm clock, but how if can apply this into our life?? well, i guess we can learn something from Alarm Boy.


photo are not mine, i took them from here

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