Monday, May 24, 2010

Chapter 4 - Bear Paw

May 24th 2010, 6:21 pm, Living Room.

Hey guys! yup.. it's been a long time huh? hahaha.. yeah, kinda busy with my college and all the things. By the way, this is my first post with my new notebook! haha.. my new mini notebook that i called "Chilli" (since mine is red

well, in this chapter i will share a story from "Angkot". it's an old story but i think it's good to be share with all of you. One day, it's about 7 pm in "Angkot" i sat with a lady (from her outfits i can predict she works at office). Well, i'm very tired at that time and it's too dark inside this "Angkot" since no light at all (ussualy the other "Angkot" had it but i tought this one was spoiled).

in my return route , there is a point when the driver will ask the passenger for choosing "straight" or "turn left". Well, they always did it especially when the passengers not much. since there was only two of us in that "Angkot", so the driver ask us. i'm too tired to answer it but the lady told the driver for keep straight.

unluckyly the driver turn left, i'm okay with it since any decision the driver made , that's my route. But suddenly i heard "BANG! BANG! BANG!" a huge noise cam from in front of me. The lady over there hit the "Angkot" with a vengeance and not only that she's yelling.

well, what am i doing? i'm stunned. hahaha... "How come a lady can be so mad like that??" i kept thinking like that in my mind.

what can we learn from that story? yeah.. i know she was tired but, how come she be like that huh? . i'm not judging her, but we know as a person it would be better if we kept our emotion and keep logic even we mad and tired. simple story and cliche for me.. but, it's happen.

photo are not mine, i took from here